

No post for a while,
because I left my camera with Ivan... and I wanted to get it back before I update this again.
However, I saw him in the weekend but forgot to ask him. So.. no new photos, yet.
Ok, here are the updates:

  • At last, uni's over. Forever

  • not confident with one exam, it's an elective. so if i fail i can still fill in the gaps by this winter. phew

  • did something horrible. it was a revenge. i shouldn't have. in God's law, i was wrong. but this is it. Benny needs to grow out of it. forgiveness. i m still struggling to have more of it

  • looking for jobs every day and nite. faith with patience is the key
  • Sten's bday. sorry can't attend party. me and ivan got her a Donna Hay cookbook.

  • this friday after Elijah fellowship, we'r gonna have 2nd practice on the song we performing on Saturday nite. sigh~ some person sings very loudly but fails to read the scores properly. i m not good with music even though God blessed me with a unique and stunning voice. but at least i can count the bars and follow the beat. sigh. guess i should pray for that person and step up to correct him with brotherly love.

  • so fri sat sun 3 days of church..

  • been spending alot of quality time with bonnie (and sometimes with her boyfy too) since exams over. her housemate/landlord is cool for me to sleep over very often. guess she wants me to explain more to her about Jesus and salvation. wooh~ God is using me yay. Oh she said i can only stay if I cook for her and bonnie. I'm like... I LOVE THAT IDEA!

  • Ok... yes. FOOD. Loving it more than ever. i started looking at recipes straight after my final exam. gees. 90% of my time i think about food, i talk about food.. i research on cookery, i watch it on tv, i youtube it, i make it, i eat it. I m learning so much these days.

  • But.. in terms of jobs... i m avoiding the kitchen scene. i m refusing it. i m worldly and greedy. i know. i too have dreams. cooking in commercial kitchens will confine me into a longhour box. would miss out of the corporate lader. But if God did create me to be a cook... then i probably have to do it. His will, not mine.

  • Wedding.. one in July. Joey and Sharon. I m in the food team, excited.

  • Sunday arvo, interview. For the Allen Webb disipleship training. Rev Webb and his wife are delightful.

  • 11pm last weekend. me ivan james on mount wilson. the highest point on the blue mountains. star seeing. epic view. the whole milky way.

  • by going back to hk now, for good, i could have a life style of a prince. wealth and power. bonnie doesn't want me to. srsly if i go back now, life would be too easy. big appartment. my own room, high tech. big corporate sharks offering. business plans offering. nah. Bonn has enlightened me. hk would cut my time with God. would cut my involvement and interaction with the church. that's crappy. out plan is to stay here and make parents retire to here. in aust. that's the only way to keep them goign to church and to know God.

  • i am loving the bible. guys go read it. that really is all the wisdom that u'll ever need.

What is my career path gonna be? i dunno. kitchen again? sigh.
God has blessed me with cookery, singing, business mind... and more to find out later in life. looks like cooking has finally letting me to serve him. i cook for people and tell them about Him. nOice. singing - i must continue to sing to Him. my agro business mind is a natural. born with. grown up with. had always been in that environment and tasted my own success. by far, it's all negative in the benefits of the gospel. so bonnie was right. don't go back to hk or it's all gay.

cook cook cook... tmr is a brand new day. to cook.



June 4th

That incident.
20 years.

It was wrong and they should admit it.

I wish I could support the leaders who were able to flee to America and here. Good on them for posting what they took out of China onto the internet.